It sucks my friends don’t make as much as I do. I want to travel and go out and most of my college friends don’t have money to do those things. I love my friends, but they just are perpetually broke.

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Make friends that fit the life you want to live.. you can still keep your current friends. Until then get comfortable doing things on your own.

If I would’ve kept waiting on my friends I would’ve missed out on so much in life and I wouldn’t have found my new friends that I absolutely adore.


Honestly it’s time to upgrade your friends. At a certain point it will become difficult if not impossible to relate to these people in a poorer economic class.

Find new friends with similar budget and desire to travel, go out and do stuff. You will have so much more fun. Don’t let your current friends hold you back from experiencing life. Trust me

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Find friends that have similar futures, not similar pasts.


If you wait for your friends to travel, you’ll never go🤷🏽‍♂️


So true🤦🏽‍♂️


Solo travel. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Make new friends during your travels!


Find a sugar baby.


This came off kind of pretentious, the wording should’ve been better🫠


You’re on a white collar app

It’s a confession.


On travel. I did solo travel in the middle east/North Africa when I was younger. Awesome. Made me less of a tight ass.


I’ve realized some friends just aren’t good travelers.


Keep your old friends. Friends from your childhood and college are irreplaceable.

But consider also making new friends more compatible with your current lifestyle.

And please consider solo travel. It can be life changing. Amazing experiences, especially in your age range.


Solo travel or just let one of them bum around with you and get a double bed since it’s the same price anyway.

When traveling, I met so many people everywhere I went that next time I visited that place, I ended up visiting them. You meet more people that way and ALSO remember that some people are absolutely awful to travel with so it’s probably for the best


Surprise them with a free ticket + hotel stay


I’m speaking from my experience, which sounds very similar to P1.

I don’t do it for every friend, I said do it for your best friend/s. I go ~2 trips a year and will subsidize some part of it (plane ticket, resort, food etc). They don’t expect it but I know it makes it easier for them to come and it doesn’t impact me at all.

If you have friends who expect it, they’re bad friends.

There’s also a difference between making more than your friends and making enough to pay and not feel it.

Same. A lot of mine also started expecting me to pay for them every time we went out once I started getting promotions and raises too. First world problems but still sucks.


I've had similar experiences. Things that help:

Plan the trip far enough in advance
Pay for lodging - I like to airbnb so I ask my friends to be in charge of meals for a day or two (at their expense and within their budget).


We went to Europe with two other couples - we three guys were all roommates in college and two of us make a lot more longer than the third. But we’ve kept a close friendship, so it wasn’t weird for us to tell him that we’d take care of expensive meals, play tickets, and museum entries and we were just happy they were coming. If you can swing doing something like that, do it.


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