Hi Fishes,
I am looking to switch, need some inputs and suggestion about firm which is doing well and currently hiring in patient and data analytics. Current exp - close to 9 years in product side and life science consulting. Experience with APLD datasets with tool knowledge of SQL, excel, py. basic R, tableau
Axtria , Eli Lilly and Company , GSK
Are you stressed about work, life or something else?
1) Get a pen and paper and write down why you’re stressed, then
2) Write down what you think the solution to your stress can be or is
3) Write down what YOU can control and do about the stress and why/how.
4) Write down who or what else can help you with what you can’t control.
4) After you put it on paper, pray or meditate on some things you are grateful for. Include positive things that also may be related to your stressors.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for thoughtful suggestions and the exercise
Hey! This was me last night. I've learned something, although not great, in nights that I don't want or can't sleep. I get up and do something else. Eventually my body wants to shut down and I can sleep.
Half of the stress of not sleeping is BECAUSE you're frustrated by not sleeping. This stress adds to staying awake.
I’m so sorry! I’m literally dead atm
Yeah this is pretty much every night. Trying to catch up from the day. When the problem was more intermittent I found it best to get up get something done professional or personal then try again.
My wife also found another technique that worked where you tense portions of your body then relax them for 10 or so seconds. Starting from you feet and working your way up.
CBD gummieeeeeeeeeeeeees
Woke up at 3 and have been tossing and turning the past 2 hours..right there with ya
So. Dead. Ass. Tired.
Same here. It’s 4:50am and still I’m not able to sleep. Luckily I don’t have work tomorrow but I really I’m tired and I wanna sleep. Lately every time I go to bed around midnight took me 2-3 hours before I be able to sleep. my brain just keeps thinking and thinking.
Same….happens a to me all the time. Went to bed at 10 per usual woke up at 11:30pm, didn’t get back to sleep until after 2:30.
Try this (or get an ambien script): https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fall-asleep-fast-sleep-trick-b1796959.html%3famp
I have found playing white noise really helpful when this happens.
Here’s the white noise app I use: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sleep-bug/id467483176
I love the calm app. Can do guided meditation (someone mentioned it above- scan body and tense certain muscles and relax) or sleep stories. Takes your mind off of what is keeping you up and before you know it you are asleep.
Check out Feel Free, good for muscle recovery, anxiety, insomnia, etc. https://botanictonics.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwv_iEBhASEiwARoemvFLJ8iuDk6A1g2TZHH2mY1YLXBDXHKCOfEo8sytDVEe0IFj3O5nG_RoCDYkQAvD_BwE
@OP, what’s your bedtime routine? Do you practice sleep hygiene? Don’t use your bed for anything other than sleep or sex. Don’t work from bed or watch tv in bed. Separate your bed/bedroom from work. Keep your room cool and dark. Avoid electronics an hour or two before bed. When I’m winding down, I turn on a humidifier with essential oils. A cup of tea and melatonin help, too. I turn on a white noise machine with a timer. If I’m awake when it turns off 30 minutes later, I get up to do something off my electronics that isn’t necessarily productive. Staying in bed when you can’t sleep teaches your brain that your bed isn’t for sleep. If you do something productive when you wake up, your brain is rewarded, so don’t get up and start doing work. I usually read, color or write down what’s keeping me up. Sweet dreams!
I take Nutrilite Sleep Health or Sweet Dreams Gummies. Sleep health contains the herb Valerian and that helps you to get good quality sleep. Sweet dreams Gummies are made with Melatonin and Passionflower. They both are really good. Let me know if you interested in learning more about these products.