When Friday feels like a long drag 😂

Can someone refer me for Scrum master role?
Our creative team is in search of skilled art directors and senior designers, both for employee and freelancer roles.
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How are the Verizon projects in Brillio?
Hi, I have 4 years of experience (non Big4 firms) in technology consulting domain. Recently, I have received an offer from PwC India for a designation of Sr. Associate. I have been offered a package of 15.5LPA+performance bonus. Is the compensation offered appropriate in the current market standards?PwC PwC India
Haye re garmi 🤧
who else 🤣🤣🤣
Haan?! Sachchi??!!! Main nahi maanta!! 😝🤣
Always remember 😌
Just Big4 things. KPMG India
Buhh why?? 🤪
*evil laughs*
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Person who did this: 🍿😈
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