Can someone please explain this about what is expected from men? On the one hand men are expected to have 6 feet, 6 figures, 6 pack. No kids, must be funny, must be charming, must be a leader of something, must drive a car, must own their own house, must cook and clean, and so forth and so on. And on the other hand I keep hear women complaining that "the bar for men is sooo low"
So what is it really?
Therapy, sounds like there is some trauma there or unresolved feelings. It will feel so freeing to eventually be able to let those feelings go 🤍
Is there something that connects you to your ex, a child? If no, refrain from any social media checking in, and remove this person from your thoughts. If you run into each other because you're in the same place, don't let it consume you when you go out. I know it's hard, I've been there. You've both moved on and found different paths. Yours is different, doesn't mean it's better or worse, just different. Be proud and happy of your life and your partner today and look forward. It may take time, but liberating to chuck them in the trash of forgetting the ex exisits! Good luck!!
I understand this having been divorced…. It’s so hard. I do think therapy has been enormously helpful- I think you need to allow yourself to feel those feelings before they will soften. Jealousy is a hard feeling because it usually kicks up feelings like you’re not good enough in some way. If I heard about my ex husband being married w a kid I would definitely lose it even tho I love my partner. I’m just sensitive right now cuz I want my own kids now and it would really be a shot to the gut. So just honor your feelings, they’re normal