29F. I’ve become burnt out on spending my free time with people I don’t enjoy being around (i.e people who I feel relieved to leave after spending time with them). With that said, I’ve started to distance myself from my dad, 2 aunts, childhood best friend, and other friends. Has anyone gone through something similar? I just can’t get myself to muster the energy to be fake when I’m around them, but I feel guilty that I’m basically cutting them out of my life and am nervous I will regret doing so.
I've been doing this for years! What does it matter?
Rising Star
I work 20 hour weeks. I love it. I don’t care how much other people are working, I won’t get paid more at my company to work their hours.
Work smarter not harder
This is the dream, not a bad thing. Why would you want to be extra stressed and burnt out for the same outcome of doing well?
Comfort is where dreams die
Agreed, I started a side hustle this year that I enjoy 100x more than my day job. Wasn’t intended to be negative but it is the truth.
You’ve unlocked life
Rising Star
I do my part time B school work during work hours and still retain my evenings. it’s amazing tbh
Rising Star
Damn, I should go get my masters then
Live the good life OP!