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Keep an open mind- get conceptual with what you’re given and take it as a challenge. Write the best damn fb posts they’ve ever seen- better yet see if you can think of a fun way to use the platform in an unexpected way.
Also, I dislike what the people above said, re: telling you to do something different with social. The better you become at social, there social media work you'll get!!
I’ve told them this. I’ve showed them my portfolio. I’ve told them I don’t like digital. I’ve told them I want to concept and build brands. Basically, the only interviews I can land are at B2B shops. I think it’s because of where I started — a terrible B2B agency. I don’t know what to do because this isn’t why I pursued a career in advertising.
I will try. Thank you.
Umm yeah!!! But first, start looking for a job that allows you to do that. Know that if you're looking for something specific, it may take awhile so start now and don't settle. Otherwise you'll be stuck writing FB posts again.
Alternatively, you can volunteer to help out on a brand project. Sell it as you'll work OT to get your FB posts done as well, but what to be given an opportunity to stretch your skills. (This can be best done on a pitch) The down side of this is that you have to work harder and potentially be miserable with no work/life balance.
Social is at the heart of everything now. On top of your fb posts, write a great video, or better yet develop a social campaign. Consistently show there's more to you. Also ask to have a crack at the briefs you want to work on.Also talk to a good recruiter. Smart ones will help you navigate your career. Talent wins in this business but you need to demonstrate it.
Have you told anyone? Most likely people don’t know this about you
☝🏻great advice
Thank you. I will continue to let my superiors know there is more to me than just posting on Facebook. It’s very disheartening.