I've decided it's impossible to try and get my immigrant father to understand what I do as a transactional in-house lawyer. Every conversation about work goes like this (cont)

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Dad: so how often do clients come to your office?
Me: I don't have clients dad, nor an office (open seating at work)
Dad: oh. So why don't you work as a lawyer?
Dad: you should run some ads on the radio to get clients.
Me: I don't need clients...
Dad: give me your business cards, I'll pass them around the [insert immigrant community] and get you some clients.
Me: .....
Me: Hey Dad I changed jobs, I'll be working for [Insert any big F500 company]
Dad: are they being sued? Are you finally a lawyer?
Dad: So when are you going to open your own firm? I've been watching this lawyer on TV and hes rich and his own firm. He says he has 20 lawyers that work for him
Me:I've been a lawyer...for years...
Dad: you have no drive. What are you doing with your life? You'll always have a boss..
Me: I'll always have a boss but I make damn good money, am off on weekends, work from home 2-3 times a week, make great money, unlimited PTO, and no stress.
Dad: But youre basically someone's servant.


It sounds like you found a dream job! Where do you work??


This is me when my mom asks if I can do wills for her friends. Like .... that’s not my practice area nor do I want to ....


I swear the Wills for relatives questions don't get less annoying when it is your practice area.


Oh to clarify. I'm not upset by it. I think it's hilarious!


this is like when my dad assumed he could help me advance my biglaw career as a junior associate by asking me if my firm would want to represent people who got food poisoning on a cruise, or giving my contact info to his financial advisor so we could "set up a meeting" with the chair of the T&E/private client practice.

to be clear anyone who is my dad's financial advisor is not also the financial advisor to people who worry about federal estate taxes.


Measures of success differ across different cultures. You’re doing great. Don’t let your Dad’s comments throw you off.


When I was in-house, we always referred to the internal folks who we worked with as our clients. Maybe that would help your Dad understand a bit more about what it is that you do.


I wouldn’t let the comments bother you too much. Plenty of people have a very narrow understanding of what a lawyer does and the different types of work. I know it’s super annoying but do your best to let it go


It’s not the same thing — but on a similar line of amusement: I work from home with a fair degree of regularity. A perk of working at the same firm for years. But it took me YEARS to educate my mother in law In understanding that being home was not the same as being “off.” For quit a few years I made more than my husband but I always felt like she thought I was getting off easy. she would say things like “oh I thought I’d call today to ask what size the kids are these days for their Christmas presents — I called today since it’s your day off” or “it must be nice to have a short work week — what do you do when you’re off on Fridays”. ME — “I’m not off. I am working from home. In fact I need to jump to a conference call Right now”. HER: “oh that’s too bad — and on your day off ...”. 🙄. After 21 years of marriage I think she finally understands. (Or maybe my husband pulled her aside and gave her the down low so that he’d no longer have to hear me venting about it!! 😀)


Yes! This too! I just tell my dad I'm in the office even when I'm home now. Otherwise it's all phone calls and expectations of me going over there to visit


Can’t you tell him you’re an internal attorney for the company who advises people on whether the business stuff they want to do is legal? I’m sure he’d understand. And it’s what you do.

I've told him these many many times



No, but close. Iranian


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