I've just been broken up with by a girl I love - any thoughts on trying to hold on to her?

I've been seeing a girl for about 6 months. She's said she's into me, and that I treat her well, and took a big step of introducing me to people that really matter to her 3 weeks ago.

Her reason is stress - She's doing a masters and has just been evicted so can't afford to stay in the same city. When her masters ends in December she may have to move back to the US, as she might not get a job here.

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I say leave her alone. As difficult as it is for you, she is an adult and she made a choice that she thinks is right for her. I get that you don't feel this way about people often, I'm the same way but at the end of the day, she made a choice and you need to respect that. If you love her, wish for her happiness even if it means you're not in the picture. Don't try to convince her to stay with you because of your personal feelings.


Throughout the 6 months I have always felt like she is holding something back - I know that the end of the masters has always been an issue, and she has a history of emotionally abusive relationships.

A lot has happened to her this year - since I met her it really feels like there has been one major issue after another outside of her control, so I know that the stress isn't a BS excuse.

I've tried to be supportive, but things really came to a head this weekend when she snapped at me for no real reason, leading to the breakup.

The issue is that I have fallen hard for this girl in a way I haven't for anyone else for a very long time. I'm really struggling with never seeing her again.

Any thoughts on what to do next would be appreciated - I'm thinking seeing if she's receptive to going for a coffee over the weekend and saying that I have real feelings for her and whether she is open to picking things up in the furure, and then leaving things for a few months until Oct/Nov to see if things have improved for her.

I'm not aiming to hold a candle for her forever, but I don't feel like this about people very often so I really feel like I want to fight for her.

Some people really feel like they need to fight their "Demons" alone while they are alone. Maybe reassuring them you can be there for them while they figure it out will help. But ultimately it's up to them

Don't push it. Let her know you are here, If she needs help. Check with her once in a while, how she is doing. A 'How are you' message goes a long way. Sometimes they like to resolve it themselves and it's ok.

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