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Transition from Compliance to Risk ? I work for major brokerage in compliance. I’ve been in this field almost 5 years. The person I work with made me absolutely hate my job and every day for past few months is soul destroying. He doesn’t share project work with me, he re writes my notes. I raised it with manager few times but not much happened. Never knew someone so difficult . Now risk wants to poach me to retain me in business.Am I crazy to even consider this ??
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@nonequitypartner does it again 😂

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We do have things in common with lawyers 🥴

As an account person I would say that is very poor account management
That's ridiculous! Control freak and micro manager
Terrible. You can't do your job without access.
it's the worst! And it may get worse before it gets better
It's been 14 months...
Unfortunately, that's been established and nothing has changed.
= part of why the account is in the red.