I've seen a few posts asking if others got the vaccine while pregnant. Has anyone decided NOT to get it and can share the rationale or info they looked at? Thank you!

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In Germany they refuse to give vaccinations to pregnant women citing reasons like there are not enough tests done yet to prove this is helpful/not harmful


Also waiting until after I give birth. It’s too new and only emergency approved. Not enough is known on what the possible side effects are for baby. I also knew if anything went wrong I’d forever wonder if it was because I got vaccinated and would never forgive myself.


I got dose 1 before I was pregnant and then skipped dose 2 when I missed my period. My reason being was that while my doctor recommended it, he wasn’t very enthusiastic or confident. It’s still so new, I didn’t want to risk my body having a strong immune response from the vaccine while pregnant. My husband, parents, sister, in laws, and best friends are all vaccinated and I still work from home so I went with my 60% (or whatever it is from Pfizer dose 1) immunity and will reconsider when I’m further along in my pregnancy.


Same here minus getting the first shot. Too new for my comfort and not in a very vulnerable situation (while working from home and only being around careful ppl). Will reconsider in either late trimester or posts labor.


I’m 37 weeks and I am getting vaccinated after I give birth. The baby can get antibodies through breast milk and that at least gives me some comfort. Those around me and baby have been vaccinated, so that’s good enough for now.


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