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I really like this post. I think we spend so much time focusing on what our weaknesses are and how to cope with the struggles we face that we tend to lose sight of our strengths and the tremendous value we bring to the table. Thanks for putting that back into perspective for me.
It truly is a super power in some aspects. I struggle in many areas but flourish in others. I love looking at it like this though ❤️
Rising Star
I think it’s really important to be positive about your life; however, it’s also important to not minimize others’ struggles as a “superpower.” We’ve all seen the cost movie theater superheroes pay for their powers - difficultly having and maintaining healthy relationships being one of them. Type 1 diabetics have a really easy time losing weight - there’s a cost for that superpower, too.
Embrace your life but don’t diminish the struggle because many need help, support, understanding, medication, and accommodations in order to live their lives in the best way possible for them.
Rising Star, there are several articles in ADD publications that refer to this disorder “as a super power when harnessed correctly.” I still stand by my statement. Most of the world treats us a patient to be medicated and that is our only option; if we are to “fit in”. Often the side effects of the medication long term are worst than the disorder. I and several of our cohorts on this site are proof that this is not our only option. It is a “struggle” but it can be tamed, for most of us with knowledge and support or a hybrid approach. Our brains were designed to explore, not be worker drones…The best way to “help us” is to “learn more about “us”. There are tons of success stories of people with ADD, Life is a Struggle with or without this disorder. It is mindset and action that will keep you moving forward.
No worries. I'm not here to argue or debate. I'm just sharing information and my personal experiences. Everyone is always allowed their opinion, to tell their story and share their feelings. I'm a researcher at heart and will search out facts.
As of 2022 the business of ADD is $13b just in medication. If we include therapy, coaching and issues associated... I'm sure it's close to a $20b industry. Those of us with this disorder have to take responsibility for ourselves and we can only do so by being informed and knowing our options.
Rising Star
Absolutely. I don’t think I’d be a multi company CEO and have visited 30 countries, 48 states and dated a lot of really interesting people if I didn’t have adhd.
I’d probably be working as a principal engineer somewhere with a nice spouse, a nice house and 3 kids in New Hampshire. We would go skiing and vacation every year to see my parents in Florida.
That alternate universe sounds nice but incredibly boring.