Diagnosed with ADHD at 40. Tried Vyvanse for a couple of months. It works in terms of depriving grogginess, afternoon post meal crash, and suppressing appetite (at times).
However, I still needed help planning/prioritizing my day, listening and active note taking, and keeping myself accountable. So decided to replace meds with coffee. Also, the fact that most people on meds had to progressively increase their medication over time did not sit well with me. (cont'd)
Exactly the same issue with a group of the kid's friends. Me and my family all had it (months ago now), they have not, when we told them we had it and they should get tested (they turned out not to have it) was about the last time we heard from them for playdates, etc. People freak out. I get that there was a risk (we followed protocols and isolated as soon as the first positive test came in, but there was contact in the days before the test), but we did not infect them, and now we cannot. Fortunate to have less ignorant friends who had it even earlier, so have moved our social circle in that direction. Suspect in about 6 months there will be completely different rules for "immune" (vaccinated or recovered) vs "vulnerable" people. When that day comes, we'll be on the right side :).
What is promoting your neighbors to text you specifically? Or are they asking all neighbors/all people in the building the same questions?
Exactly, and my wife is also fully recovered, thank you for showing the appropriate concern and common sense that my neighbors never have! I sent them links to the CDC explaining why right now we are safer to be around than people who have not yet been sick with it. But it seems you really can’t argue with stupid.
Why are you posting this in the pharma group? 97% of us aren’t doctors
Why do you find it weird? It’s not even a medical question as you alluded to with your comment about doctors. I was asking if anyone else is on the receiving end of social stigma after recovery. Why would you feel that is a weird thing to ask in the middle of a pandemic?