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This company ensured slaves.
Speak up.
Always speak up
Lol thanks guys, just embarrassing. I pride myself of not being retar_ed, dis is bad
It's a good thing we have fishbowl now so that such questions can be asked and answered. Yes, speak up
Pretend it never happened and leave early
Let them know ASAP and take ownership of it, credibility will help you in the long run
Its is only temporarily embarassing. It shows maturity and ability to take ownership of a work product and will instill long term confidence due to your transparency.
Just how dumb are we talking? Any chance you can call someone at the client directly to fix it without anyone finding out? Any chance the client doesn't discover it?
Hide it! Blame the associate!
this should be an interview question as a filter
How absurd are we talking?
^ Lmao you'd be screening for intelligence not ethics. Anyone that doesn't answer "disclose" is too dumb for the human gene pool let alone banking
Are you still iterating?
I hope you don't work with me
Speak up with your team immediately and figure out who is best to deliver the message. Ffs how is this even a question?
Speak up for sure
Speak up...better for you to point out this error before the client or someone else does