Were they all mature? The thread that was posted might make you feel like 8 isn’t a lot but I’ve heard many stories of friends getting around only 4-5 if that helps put 8 into perspective!
Would Anomaly be apologizing if there were no online outrage? Would they even apologize if the ad was never found after 12 years? The IG post felt half-assed just to cover bases tbh.
As my doctor says quality over quantity. Good luck!!!!
Were they all mature? The thread that was posted might make you feel like 8 isn’t a lot but I’ve heard many stories of friends getting around only 4-5 if that helps put 8 into perspective!
I got 30 eggs, 20 mature, 7 fertilized. Look at you go!
Rising Star
Sharing for lots of references, good luck!
Ended up with 2 embryos, 1 of which was frozen. Will know results on Wednesday. Either way looks like another retrieval is in the cards...