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Dear fishes, i am a senior manager in Cognizant. Newly joined and expecting architect design work in java micro sevice with cloud.i am certified aws architect and 14 years java experience with digital tech. Now CTS gave me a option for Salesforce devops project manager or an individual contributor who create and establish devops process with Capado.Shall i take this or should waoth for java microservice project ? Cognizant Tata Consultancy Accenture IBM
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Hi everyone I have 2 questions to ask from the forum, kindly help
Q1 How much does Arthur D. Little pay to a engagement manager position in India? I am getting interviewed for a position based out of India.
Q2 Do Arthur D. Little have policies around internal transfers to different locations and practices as other big consulting firms?
Yo, what! That hurts
I'm sure you'll leverage this experience to get your desired role
Good luck
Plenty of people apply multiple times before getting in. Stay positive and try again next year!
On thé bright side, I just got moved to final rounds for another MBB :) thanks for the kind words
Did you apply through university or are you an experienced hire?
Experienced but on the lower experience end (3 YOE)
Market is slowing - hard time to lateral because MBB has more people on the beach now so you will be competing against incumbents which can be tough
You sure it's from all the partners?
I thought I was in a similar situation for an MBB that rejected me once, but I turned out that one of the partners didn't think my case was strong enough.
Yup, it's very, very hard to get negative feedback from a recruiter at MBB. Very likely that one of those partners dinged your interview. 😔
How did you receive this information
I walked through feedback with my recruiter
Which MBB
It was not vain
This happened to me last year with BCG
Same, happened to me as well