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Hits way too close to home

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7/17 Thread (BC):
Bought some HD puts, for 11/1 $227.5
Personal finance book recommendations?
Ready for winter break?
Hits way too close to home
7/17 Thread (BC):
Bought some HD puts, for 11/1 $227.5
Not sure it’s up to him anymore - What other tricks does the Fed have up their sleeves if numbers keep rising and fear creeps in?
This has been said since April yet it keeps pumping
Its mainly the thought of what they can do that is influencing the markets. All they need to do issue a statement and markets jump up even if no action is taken. I'm gonna get out of my shorts on open Monday and wait to see if they say anything
That’s a good choice
Bowl Leader
Just some solid news for you this morning.
Subject Expert
A massive amount have been furloughed or reduced pay & hours (including professional services). Many of those furloughed likely aren’t necessarily counted in unemployment headline number, depending on how they responded to the survey.
Also, have to think how many were/are barely scraping by. I have a couple friends who are mortgage brokers - it’s always enlightening to hear how many people don’t really have assets when looking to buy even $500-800k houses. Most people don’t have 10k, let alone 2-300k saved up, even when you get to solid paying white collar jobs. It’s amazing to see how many rely on bonuses as their savings for the year.
They can’t do that without congressional approval (at least directly). They could do it through an SPV but I can’t imagine how messy and speculative it would be.
Subject Expert
They can’t buy bonds either per their mandate though so 🤷♂️
He also said he’d build the wall, 4 years ago.
My take is the markets are not going to drop until white collar layoffs. The retail investors propping up stocks are mostly bored white collar folks with a bunch of excess cash. When they get impacted, there will be a pull back.
I agree I think The white-collar jobs will be the ones that bring the markets down. We are already seeing it at Deloitte and I am sure throughout the summer we will see more 
Increase purchases of equities through intermediaries.
Buy everything seems like the plan already.
Man it’s tough being a put holder(switched recently) You just have so much you are going against
Yea even a hint of positive news will make the markets fly
After Friday’s downturn, rise in cases, closure of Apple stores, unless there is fed or fiscal response before 930 Easter tomorrow markets will open close to SPY 3000 or lower. Also Trump can’t fire Powell without triggering Supreme Court case
It’s sideways so far.