Recruiter here: I have a candidate (PE/M&A) who was at a top shop in NY before going inhouse last year. He's looking to return to private practice and join a group with ACTUAL lifestyle and good people (he was billing 2700h for 5 years). I, of course, have a few places in mind, but if anyone here can recommend a good group in NY or NJ that pays at least 70% of market, please let me know! He also has some VC, corp governance, and shareholder activism experience.
Before all the people with guilt complex answer:NO
Yes. Or at the very least take 5 minutes to say thank you for their assistance in the short time you’ve been there.
I guarantee you it’s going to be the difference between them being on deck to assist you with something that came out of left field at 5:15PM on a Friday evening, versus them “…not seeing your email”, in 2022 and beyond.
Yes - it’s the classy move and will definitely work in your favor over the long term.
Something small with a card. They will remember and bend over backward for you next year.
Yes, even something small if you're strapped for cash rn. The goodwill you earn with them will be priceless.
Yes, but nothing big. It’s like when you’re on a third date with someone and you learn their birthday is soon.
I’m in the same boat and I saw my secretary with coffee from a certain place so I’m just getting her a tumbler and a gift card.
Ask coworkers if they are. I just finished my first year and had been planning on gifting a $100 gift card to my assistant, but I reached out to other more experienced attorneys working with same support staff, and they were not planning on gifting. It hadn’t occurred to me that maybe it’s not the culture of the firm since cash gifts are so popular among the 🐠 on this platform. Even though it’s not the culture at my firm, I ended up giving a $50 gift card because my assistant is a rockstar. I stand by the decision, but probably wouldn’t if I had just started and no one else was gifting
Yes, but nothing big. They make significantly less than you and will appreciate the thought.