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Where can I go to check my sperm count?
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I secretly like quarantine
Took me some time to understand

Where can I go to check my sperm count?
I secretly like quarantine
Took me some time to understand
Didn’t they price gauge HIV? 🤔
Sort of. They hid a better drug from the market so they could have longer patent protection by using a drug that caused more side effects for a while. So yes price gouged at the end when better drug has patent protection past point it would have been generic, but also injured people up front giving them a known inferior drug.
But, but, Bill Gates wants to vaccinate us all...
And we all want that. The Gikead solution helps when you are hospitalized. Better to not get sick. Gates is right.
Except it doesn’t seem to improve mortality rates...
Absolutely not a silver bullet but a modest impact on length of hospitalization; better than nothing.
Rising Star
Causes serious complications including organ failure in 25% of patients? Yeah, no thanks. I’ll take the extra 4 days of covid.
Rising Star
PwC, no doubt. Regardless, big risk to take for something that provides a very, very marginal gain. No confirmed effect on mortality and maybe shortens duration by 30%. I’d still pass.
naahh guinea pig
I’m hoping more for a cure than just reducing hospital time. In reality it’s just an accelerator, but still a good breakthrough for the lack of hospital beds and equipment currently. Small wins, should be celebrated.