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Who else is a big fan? 25g protein!!!
Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym
Very low body fat for women long term is not healthy. It’s okay to go very low once in awhile but shouldn’t be long term.
I’m sorry, what now?
not a lady but i can answer that they are more a function of body fat percentage than doing ab exercises, so if you don’t want to do the work (diet + exercise) to get your body fat percentage down to that level, then they’re not possible.
for males, a six-pack indicates below 9% body fat. for females, it’s something like 16%.
Abs are mostly genetics. You can tone up but some people have the genes for washboard abs and most of us do not. Focus on being healthy overall
I second this. I have a low body fat percentage (through exercise and diet) and run, do core work, etc but due to my genetics I just don’t think it’s possible for me!
I think the things you have to give up to get abs are not worth it. Enjoy your wine and you can still have a bangin body without the sacrifice for abs!
For what it's worth, lots of women with very low body fat percentages and strong ab muscles often have to restrict food and water days before photo shoots to get the effect. If you can get visible abs without harming your health, great, but definitely don't beat yourself up if you can't get there. It's like a thigh gap - easier for some people to get due to body differences, but dangerous to achieve for others.
You gonna have many people posting abs pics here now
Yes they are — just need to expose them by getting rid of the fat . Very difficult tho as you get older . All about balance .
Abs are real. Eat clean and concentrate on core work and they should manifest themselves soon enough. Drinking wine though is not great if you want abs, esp as you get in your 30s+. Also, if you fall in the trap that your abs need to look like the ones you see on cover of a Victoria Secret catalogue, then it is an entirely different conversation.
Yes, I have them.