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Never. I earned them. I like them.
Started seeing some around 31, was already getting blonde highlights anyways so they ended up just getting blended in with touchups. When I have roots theyre little bit visible but I dont eve care. They look like flashes of silver to me.
Started going grey when I was 20 and I have no plans of altering it. All of my family has white hair but no baldies. I'll take that
I got my first grey at 31 and I'm freakin' out! 😩
26. They keep me fierce.
Been dying it since I was in high school. Grays started about 30. It’s not something I’m fiercely trying to hide - I think gray hair is amazing, just not the look I’m trying to pull off yet. Do whatever u want and makes u happy.
I started getting some around 27/28. I’m 35 now, and there’s def more, but not enough for me to consistently dye my hair over it. I end up coloring my hair maybe once a year, because I feel like playing with color. My stylist said that breaking up the color (with highlights/balayage) makes them less noticeable, so I don’t feel the compulsive urge to maintain the color. That said I know quite a few people my age with significant grayage. Some people dye, others don’t. You do you.
Been coloring hair since a teen, to cover grays since late 20s. Runs in the family 😖😰
Me too, like AD1. Graying since late teens, runs in the family. Withstood coloring, b/c that is a lifetime commitment, until I was 40, going back to school, and found other students eyes sliding right past me. Plan to let roots show more when I hit 60.
Part of the reason is that my white hair looked sparse, like I was losing hair. The process of coloring opens up the hair structure, now each hair is thicker, which gives volume to my hair and it looks healthy.
I don't really care about what I wear, and I think my haphazard and uncoordinated look plus gray hair could hurt my career prospects. At least, that is the assumption I am working with.
Aargh! Writing this all down makes me wonder if I am kowtowing to the male-dominated establishment. Drat.
I plan to dye mine purple soon, so I have some cool purple streaks. But not sure I will ever dye them the color of the rest of my hair. 26, btw.
I started at 31. It’s so annoying but I’m just not ready to rock grays yet.
I have blonde highlights so the few I have blend in. They’re mostly a few in the middle of my head anyway, not the top where they’re visible. Just turned 34, think I saw the first at mid to late 20s? Haven’t gotten that many more since.
I've been dyeing my hair weird colors for a long time.
I am in my mid-40s and don’t pay much attention to how I look. Now I am known as one of the guys. But I don’t think that helps me either. Probably even easier to overlook me.
don’t have any yet. i’m 32.
Started dying at 36 though they sprouted many years prior. Hair maintenance(not just color) is expensive 😞.