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Right on, good luck op! Wish you well
So excited for you OP. Mostly because you will have a life!
Thanks for the notes guys! And for anyone worrying about leaving for industry and taking a pay cut - I'm getting a ~$50k bump in total comp over what I would make as a 1 here. Am moving into Corp Strat for an industrials company.
After I got my offer (with no signing bonus) they said they only gave signing bonuses if the offeree was giving up something. I told them I had a lot to think about since I was hoping for a little more salary and was giving up my bonus for this performance year (which was true even though it wouldn't be paid until September). My prior years' bonus was 24.5% of my salary so I said I expected it to be ~$40k and they took like a week and came back and offered a $40k signing bonus. And I said "Where do I sign?" I always offered to show pay slips and didn't lie about my percentages. They never asked to see them.
folks this thread are acting like OP somehow legally broke out of prison sentence. it's not that bad folks. 😂😂
I don't really understand how promo could be effective as of yesterday? I've never heard of D promoting on off-cycles?
Feb start class from MBA. We end up getting hosed with an off cycle promotion date and aren't eligible for on cycle promotions until we make Manager. Honestly that's part of the reason I'm leaving.
But dat pay and no debt doe. That's awesome OP 🍾 worth it?
Timing is everything
What an MVP. Congrats bro
Excellent strategy! Good luck OP!
Restarted at $140k. Am at $159k now with 22% max bonus. Am leaving for $180k with 50% max bonus.
well played OP. congratulations! where are you headed?
I don't know-for some of us it feels like it and Op had a heck of a smart strategy hat all fell into place.
@D4 I didn't negotiate the base, that's just what they offered me. I did negotiate a signing bonus though and for my start date to be after my promotion/GSAP (I got the offer in November). So maybe you could start looking now (or in 1-2 months) and go in telling them you're looking for a 9/15 start.
Op, could you share how you approached the signing bonus negotiation? What did you to support your position?
#winner #hero amazing- they always find a way to screw you over, right? Aka with that "off-cycle promo"
Why does the off cycle promo hurt.?
Yeah it hurts with bonuses and raises. I was here 17 months with only a 2% raise (five months in) despite being a 1 performer. Then my 1 raise and bonus was on a lower base so I'm still making less than lower rated peers who also got promoted earlier.
Is it ok if I ask what your salary was coming in after the gsap post mba?
l second BA1s question. What was your restarting salary and new salary to leave?