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Mary Basick's Essay Book is the way.
Good luck! Also just did this (but got time off from the firm for part of it). It’s truly a marathon.
For essays, after you’ve learned a bit, I would recommend using the model answers posted by the bar (although not always 100p correct, it’s helpful to see what they want) or barbi model answers. I often memorized those rule statements and created cheat sheets for those for easy memorization. I also wouldn’t get too tied up with watching all of the lecture videos for Barbri if you’re using that - it feels good to have the check mark done, but the cmr is really helpful in terms of efficiency and has a lot of info. If I could go back, I would cut out the lecture videos unless it was a subject I was struggling with. I would keep doing adaptibar questions everyday and reading the answer explanation if you’re also doing mbe. Good luck!
Remember to exercise, eat well and sleep well, and that it’s just a test.
Just did it, good luck!
Your firm doesnt offer PTO to study?
Yeah I feel you. I actually just lateraled to a CA firm as well. Will need to take CA bar in the next two years. Im just hoping I can move in house by then lol.