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I’m looking for some additional tips and/or specific things to focus on in preparation for the multi-round interview process for a role at Amazon Web Services in what I assume is for one of the cloud services team. From what I’ve gathered, is the interviews are largely based on the leadership principles. However, how do I know which would be asked? which would be more related to the role/or team I’d be on? What other types of questions to prepare for leading to the 1-on-1 with the hiring manager
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Do you include data or specific achievements on your resume? That can def help you stand out.
Their actual accomplishments - clear data points and key projects they've worked on help a lot.
Well, wrongly, race and gender. Have to fill those quotas and make your office Christmas cards more diverse, because true diversity is only about race and gender, not intellectual diversity. AMIRITE??
It’s OK to be racist and sexist, as long as you’re racist and sexist towards the right people.
Whoever sends the "Thank you email" faster, or the follow-up will show how badly he/she wants the job.
Core value attributes
I woudl say someone who has charisma always grabs my attention more than someone who doesn't. Also confidence really helps.
Their communication skills and their attitude when working in a group (and overall attitude, most importantly)
Attitude, of course. I will not hesitate at all.