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First 3 words you see define you:
Happy Easter weekend from It's Always Sunny! 😂
I need to make more money
Whew this shit is surreal AF. How is this life?!
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Rising Star
or let’s not
Rise and grind Twitter, the scourge of this decade
Rising Star
And how is it going on your side, OP?
Rising Star
Meh. 50-50. Not as productive as I'd like. But not as totally slobby as what I'm hearing from some folks.
I think it's more the exestential questions of where do I want my life to go? Who do I want to be? What do I want to excel at? How do I want to add value in a way that I'm passionate about? That's the stuff that trips me up and makes me tread water.
For a ship with no port, no wind is the right wind.
Ha! I love these. They are always such BS.
“Set a time during a weekend morning to discuss disagreements with your spouse” Right, because that is how relationships work.
It then goes on to recommend dumping people who aren’t also grinding and rejecting people who want to spend time with you.
This is advice on how to be a psychopath.
If this doesn't work in your relationship then I feel sad for you. It absolutely worked for me as well as many friends around me, setting up a dedicated time to discuss the issue happened in the past week objectively and calmly, rather than letting people avoiding the issues until they explode, or letting people start a big argument when they are in the middle of the issue. Even if you never have any disagreement or uncomfortableness with your partner (I mean, if you have one) and don't need to try these, there are so many people who can indeed benefit from this.
Um, there are people losing loved ones from this pandemic, struggling to stay in their homes, feed themselves and their kids, and wondering how they are going to SURVIVE. Why don’t we use this time during the so-called “Great Pause” aka
an international crisis to reflect on how we can help others and incorporate a less selfish approach into our goals, yeah?