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Hello, my wife and I are expecting a baby this December. Does it make sense to have her go through her employers insurance alone rather than have a family plan with a higher deductible that we are currently on? Or does it end up being the same?
Currently deductible $7200 (family HDP + HSA)
Wife’s deductible if moved alone $2400
First time going through this so I’m trying to see what would work out better at the PwC" class="linkified" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" >end.PwC
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How many miles a week are you guys running?
I bet LA still has traffic! Am I right?
Who's going to DU at the end of this month?
Some lunatics will always redline your work. The question is when should you be producing work that doesn’t need to be redlined (understanding some partners will always redline things). I’d say by 5th-6th year you should be able to draft all basic filings without them needing real overhauls.
Don’t feel bad about redlines. I redline partners’ work constantly. It’s part of the job.
Thank you! It’s hard to gain confidence when it’s bloody all the time. Especially when my partner wont tell me how unhappy he is with me and just finishes the work himself.
Don’t partners sometimes give each other feedback? I would never want to get NO edits from colleagues. We serve the client best when we work collaboratively and deliver our collective expertise. (Plus, I don’t want to be swingin’ in the wind by myself, ya know?)
Not anything filed in court just to get the ball rolling… they do scrutinize my work word for word and it seems rather stupid but woe is the associate life. I hate my partner
Rising Star
Make sure to speak to the redlining partner after the fact to understand both the big and small picture changes. Litigation is a bit of an art, so there are many ways to do the same thing well, but it’s worth learning where you can, even if your style and theirs are different.
Never until you’re 1st chair I guess. If there’s someone above you on a case trust that they will edit your work somehow.
And the reality is you’re probably right. Some folks just are heavy handed. (And it adds more billables…)
Don’t get upset. Learn the difference between substantive and preference edits. You’ll get the latter for the rest of your career, but the former should decrease. Many people agree with what you said, they just want to say it differently. When your in control, you will do the same. However, whenever I make preference revisions I don’t send them back down to associates and I tell them that I want them to keep doing what they are doing and disregard my preferences because it could be fine for another partner or client.
Thats really nice for you to make prefence edits without throwing a fit like my partner. He talked shit about me to another partner and he is just really condescending and wants me to adopt his style quickly. Good new is that i am working with different partner now
Depends on the case and complexity. And how well you do it and your level of confidence.
You get some junior lawyers who set up shop on their own after a couple of years, and wing their way through legal practice through trial
and error.
I was a JD. Not even Barred yet….
Practicing 25+ years and the answer is never. There are different kinds of edits. Sometimes the partner wants the document to have his/her voice. There may be lots of ways to say something and preferences of the person with the primary client relationship are fine. Also the partner may have experience with the judge or some issue that suggests one way of saying something maybe better than another. Beyond that, I still ask someone else to read almost everything that leaves my desk for typos, clarity, wordsmithing, etc.
I usually ask another senior or partner to review important/complicated pleadings. You will benefit from more sets of eyes.