I've been with my gf for almost 6 months now. For context she's still in grad school (we have a 2 year age gap) and I'm struggling to feel physically attracted to her. I have a good job, decent amounts of stress, I like to work out, spend time with friends, and am very outgoing. She's super sweet, kind, sensitive, and brilliant. I find her attractive but I find the fact that she's always up in my business and available to me unattractive. She also just got an amazing job in another state (1/2)
It doesn’t come without its struggles, that’s for sure. I know it’s cliche, but I think the #1 thing is communication. Specifically, consistently setting aside time to have virtual date nights of some kind, where all you do is focus on each other and talk. This is necessary because it helps you feel like you’re really involved in each other’s lives, rather than just telling each other about how your day went.
Additionally, you need to set expectations asap. Most likely each of you have different expectations of how much and how often you should talk on a daily basis. Discuss this before someone starts feeling neglected.
Be adaptable. Because your communication will usually need to be scheduled in some aspect, things will come up that affect the timings and methods of that communication. Always be sure to think of them when something comes up and to let them know if you can’t talk that night. On the other side, respect that your SO still loves you and them not being able to talk doesn’t mean they don’t. You aren’t their whole life, and you don’t want to be. They have other priorities just like you do.
Always think about the long-term. Inevitably, problems will arise and you’ll consider breaking up. I’d advise thinking about the end goal of being together. If a problem comes up that is only applicable because you’re in a LDR, consider if you’re willing to compromise or “put up with it” until you can be together. If a deeper problem arises, one that is not solely related to distance, assess appropriately.
I’ve been in a LDR for 2 years and we’ll finally be living in the same place within a few months😊. Cheers and best of luck
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