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Hi, My joining is on 12th December. When can I expect Onboarding details mail and stuff?
I have been told that it arrives two days before joining.
I have to relocate to join and have been told by the team that travel desk will contact and arrange for that.
Kindly provide info on this.
Thanks in advance!
PwC PwC India
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Looks like we’re all screwed
I was long distance for 3 years and am now married to her 🥰
Only if we-vibe
Only if you both put in the work. I did LDR for a year before breaking up. They were changing the plan for the future (had moved somewhere else for work temporarily but was starting to say they wanted to move to a diff city after vs returning back to where i was as we'd discussed/agreed), we had a brutal time diff of like 12 hrs and i felt i was making the confessions of staying in on weekend nights to chat during their morning vs they'd never pass up a chance to go out or go on weekend trips but if i wasn't available to talk during their free 2h of the weekend because I'd made my own plans w friends i was in the wrong. The talk of the future broke down beyond just where they'd move to after (things prev discussed like # of kids, last names, focus on careers etc). On my wfh days if i was working already when they called but at home it was like "why can't you just answer, you're WFH it isn't like a real job" since they've never had the chance to wfh
I don't regret trying and i think a lot of these issues like planning for the future would've come up eventually anyway even w o ldr but the distance sped it up. I personally don't mind being alone and even now that I'm single I'm not a hookup type person when i go out so i figured it'd be easy to not have any temptations and get along w o them. I feel it was pretty easy, but they aren't a do things alone person, they needed constant communication and reassurance, and i felt like i was tied to sitting around at home waiting for a 4h phone call to happen on the weekends vs going to my gym classes or doing my errands or brunch. Despite being alone i still had to morph my whole schedule around someone else. I think if you're both more independent it could last and there's no harm in trying
My former partner moved to Calgary (I’m in CA) and we tried for 6 months. I mean we REALLY tried to do it and it just was not working out. I’m still sore from the loss of this relationship 😔 We are on good terms but definitely the one that got away.
I’ll say that in order for this to work, expectations have to be said EXPLICITLY upfront. Do not assume you or your partner will know what to do, how much to communicate, when to communicate and what your needs will be all on their/your own. It’s new territory so you won’t know things right away but communicate it immediately.
Did LDR for 7/9 years of my relationship, now engaged. Will be concluding LDR in year 10 once we get married
Takes a lot of work and specific personalities to make it successful, but infinitely glad I did it
Sometimes yes, sometimes no🧐
Yes, if you both commit and work out a long term plan. LDR for 4 years after a year of dating in the same city, together for 16 years now and married for 7.
Visual Storyteller
I know a person who went for 6 yrs of ldr and got married.
I also know a person who broke up after 1 year.
Conversation Starter
Ngl I feel like LDR that turned into marriage last longer 🤔
LDRs put you in a place where you’re forced to communicate everything with words. I couldn’t mask/cover things over with being physical, if there was an issue, we had to talk it out. My spouse and I got really good at talking through both the big things and small things. Although we aren’t perfect by any means, but the communication skills developed while long distance gave us a framework for success
I think it works if you have a shared end goal and are committed. I was in a LDR years ago and we didn’t really have a shared goal to work towards and neither of us wanted to move to where the other person was so we ended up breaking it off.
Did 3 years of distance and now married, super happy 😁❤️
I have been married 12 years. First 18 months of dating was a LDR.
Rising Star
It depends. My ex and I worked long distance but did not work when we lived together.
Only if they are short-term with a concrete plan to live in the same place again. But realistically, mostly no
Depends on the couple but you need to be intentional and committed. Dated my wife long distance for 6 years and then got married and did long distance for the first few years and then lived together during Covid. Post Covid I am now back to traveling so home for weekends or every other weekend depending on the project. It can work since my wife is still putting up with me.
Fishbowl…. Is it cool? Just like everybody will have a diff opinion SAME WITH LDR. Its a personal opinion!
Nope. Been there, done that, wasted too much of my life on it
i did long distance with my wife for 6 years (different continents). she moved to the US on a fiancée visa and we’ve been happily married for four years now with a kid
Domestic LDR for 6 years, international for 2 more. Married 7 years now and have a kid together