Newbie investor asked me a question, they have $5k to invest and were wondering if they should put it in an index fund (S&P500 - which is what I’d normally recommend plus DCA thereafter) or if they should buy AMZN given that it is well off of its highs, is a solid company and would, in 12-18 months, likely grow faster than the S&P, as interest rates normalize over that time period, etc. That got me thinking… so I’m asking all of you, what would you do/recommend?
Same, following. I have a Merrill financial advisor who I’m planning to fire in a month. Would rather go with a good tax advisor.
Rising Star
What's your situation? K-1 and a lot of jurisdictions? Hold real estate? Or just lazy and could probably do it all on Turbo Tax?
My tax advisor is Google and my tax book from college
I use a CPA who charges me $125.
I use a tax accountant that lives in a state with no income tax, esp. since this is one of those jobs that can be done entirely from a home office. The best tax is no tax. I figure if your accountant hasn’t figured this out for themselves, they’re probably not super strategic.
I pay about $1100 for my annual returns, which has some light complexity. Super accessible - always answers my emails. When I got married and later changed jobs, he helped me time my wedding to minimize tax impact and fine tune my withholdings.