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FAANG Exit to MBB?
3.5 YOE, Non-technical, 150k TC
Been at Alphabet my entire career post-undergrad. Managed to move from Google to a well-respected Bet where I’m very happy. Undergrad was a pretty general liberal arts degree and haven’t pursued grad school yet.
What would it look like (from a TC + long term career standpoint) to switch over to MBB for a year or two then go back to FAANG?
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EY does they start WFH?
It’s your risk tolerance at play. Having professional grade data to crypto doesn’t seem meaningful to me when popularity drives price.
Wasn’t FTX pretty popular, until it wasn’t?
Not legal advice, but I’d thoroughly review your employers confidentiality and investing policies before using their proprietary data for personal purposes.
Yeah we are allowed to use it. It’s actually part of the perks, we get a free subscription (a sub is over a 10k).
Investing in crypto is a terrible idea for most people.
For those whose job is also based on crypto it is an even more horrible idea.
Losing both your job and your savings is a very real possibility. Seems like that would suck.
Just being honest.
I guess if you’re young and have no real commitments then rolling the dice on a Ponzi scheme could work.
Good luck to you
I’d for sure use it! Why wouldn’t you? The whole value prop of trading is having a competitive advantage. If you can make your family fabulously wealthy you’d be a fool not to. Also just because you have a nifty data set doesn’t mean much, can this data set trade for you?
Just size your bet so that any gain or loss doesn’t have the ability to change your life. Diversify. Diversify across asset classes, not just across crypto assets.
How did you get into the crypto space? I’m trying to break in but it’s been very difficult.
I got in through networking. It is hard to break in right now.
Your strategy will depend on what your career is. And don’t work for a stupid company - there are a lot.