Looking for career ideas for a friend. He is currently working doing general maintenance for the city he resides and does part time fire fighting. He is over the city job, but loves being a fire fighter. There is no potential to become a full time fire fighter at his current, and no openings at any department in a 45 minute radius (for quite some time now). Moving is not an option. Planning to still do fire fighting on the side, what careers could be a good pivot? Working on associates degree.
He could also get training as an EMT since fire units are often sent out for wrecks. Maybe they have need for a full time EMT on their rig.
Software engineer, hands down. Quickest way to make good money, if he works hard to learn. Other options: can become an RN in 2 years and they need male nurses. Or look into a union profession because he can work in a high paying apprenticeship while in trade school and the union pays for the schooling.
If he wants to be an EMT, explore ambulance companies who often provide training for free and guaranteed job placement after.