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Hi Fishes, I got a conformation call from Eli Lilly today and offer would be dispatched soon but i am worried on the Designation Part as they are offering Engineer II . My profile is Associate Consultant in KPMG with Masters . Do you believe it to be a good fit dont you feel am being low balled. Please share thoughts someone from inside Eli Lilly and Company
Anyone any thoughts please help.
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What is the motivation to move into M&A?
Yes what is motivation to move to pure M&A?
If you’re not looking at West Monroe, would take a look there. Depending on what level you’d come in as, definitely do able. Some of the best IT M&a people come from that type of background.
If you’re willing to go through the pains of learning and quick learner, could be good fit.
Not sure that certificate matters but might be good to get more education on M&A but certificate is not required anywhere I know of.
Good luck OP
Thank you for the clear response, much appreciated!
ITDD sounds like a solid entrance given your skill set. I’d also look at IT functional integration roles. But really as long as you’re organized, structured and have some program management skills, you should be able to handle a lot of what M&A strategy can throw at you (especially IMO / DMO / SMO)
I really appreciate your response.
Definitely take a look at West Monroe, likely a good fit
What are some M&A certifications?
Nothing that any M&A practitioner will care about