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Get a copy of the annual budget. Get a copy of the reserve study. Property management should provide this easily
The most critical thing to obtain is the reserve study. If they have not obtained one in the last 5 years, I would question the governance. You will be able to determine if the reserve is properly funded by comparing the reserve balance (and the annual funding)to what is needed for repairs over the upcoming years.
Compare the reserve study to the reserves and see if they are adequate. Find out if any special assessments are coming from the property manager.
Thanks, they have approx 50% of the annual operating expenses in reserve. Not sure what good is? They don’t have a 10 year plan /maintenance schedule so hard to assess what costs are potentially hitting them and whether current common charges are sufficient
I have the annual budget but not a maintenance plan for the upcoming 10 years. Not sure if this is typically provided, but in Europe it is usually a requirement to plan the maintenance with a 10-20 year to be able to estimate the current common charges
It is required as part of the POS for the condos. Taking a look at that will also be useful. Understanding if there will be any big capex pushed down to the homeowners before moving in is important.
Example: a common element needs to be replaced (stairs, elevators, decks, anything really) and hypothetically will be a special assessment of $15k per homeowner. You’d want to know about that before buying. Or the building needs a new roof.
Talk to the property manager and understand what you’re getting into
Subject Expert
Sounds like you are saying they have about $300k in reserves. Without a reserve study it’s hard to know if that’s sufficient or not. In California, associations are required to conduct a reserve study every third year. Sound like that might not be the case where you are.