EY v/s GT...
Whom would you choose and why?
Can someone please elaborate on amount of workload, policies, work culture and the busy season.
I have an offer from both where EY is paying slightly better than GT.
However, not really sure what to choose.
I have heard that busy season at EY is crazy, though coming from D, this should not be a concern, however I am too scared to jump into a deeper well hence any advice/opinion will be really appreciated.
People care more about Tax than they do about ... mortgage underwriting 😬
I just can’t handle the excitement of underwriting mortgages. It’s a wild lifestyle. Women just throwing themselves at mortgage underwriters. So many high fives. 😂
Have the presidential candidates each released their plans for ‘mortgage underwriting’? No. Because no one cares about it 😂
Right. Tax is the the way to go. Enjoy your loser life sir.
Looks like you already made up your mind OP. Go for it. Tax is only for us nerds.
Wow you must be one of those kool aid suckers smh
Honestly go for it. It’s more of a sales and relationship type role, but if you’re good at it you can be very successful financially.