Hello people of San Diego! Would love to hear how y’all are affording to live here comfortably. Please state your company, position, TC, YOE, and do you have a side hustle? I’ll start - I’m an advisor in Wealth Management with TC of $70k, 3 YOE and no side hustle. Among other things, rent just jumped from $2500 to $3700 for 2 bedroom and areas were looking at. I’d like to “make it” here but if it means switching career to make money I’d like to get an idea to make the right job change.
You can negotiate now by giving the +10% salary as a base anyway it’s not like anyone can check
Rising Star
All my employers have had a policy of checking payslips as part of the background checks.
If you were honest, you'd have to issue providing the info (they see it anyway when you get onboarded). If you lied on the application it's a big fat red flag - I would not hire anyone who lies on their application, waaaaaay to much risk.
HR policies on uplifts can easily be overruled if the business wants to employ you and have the budget. You just have to negotiate.
Avoid making up salary numbers, not worth the hassle. Market is hot right now, you can expect a 15-20% raise if you make the case during your interview.
Good luck