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I want the same blissful sleep he appears to have
Anyone working or worked in past with Hungama?
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come on nyorkers, clean your dog’s poopsies!
Renting vs Buying?
I want the same blissful sleep he appears to have
Anyone working or worked in past with Hungama?
come on nyorkers, clean your dog’s poopsies!
Renting vs Buying?
That's cheap
Nope! Don’t look back
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I’m making 70k and my rent is 1500 you’re fine!
I have been here for a year. I make 65K and pay 1400 in rent... you’ll be fine.
Same salary and rent for me, but in Chicago.
No you’re doing great! I have a feeling in a few months prices may start to rise again so stick with where you are.
No you’re fine!!
For nyc your not going to get much lower than that unless you live in a 2br with 6 roommates.
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Same salary and rent but I’m sharing a 1 bedroom with my partner so you’re doing amazing!
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Omg okay thank you for the encouragement
First year out of college was 70k - 1650/month and saved ~10k that year. I wouldn’t say I lived frugally by any means either