Masters (nonMBA) from an Ivy, 2 years audit with some special projects at a Big4, 1yr of advisory at another Big4. CPA. Have plenty of experience in SQL, Tableau and willing to get certifications if it’ll help my case at all.
Would applying for Accounting/Financial Analyst positions asking for 4-5YOE be a stretch? I got an offer from another company asking for 5 YOE when I was at 2.5 a while back but I am wondering if Google is strict on these requirements due to the prestige?
Yes. You should apply apply to roles you meet the required qualifications, even better if you meet some preferred qualifications or are overqualified.
Conversation Starter
Usually the YOE are pretty strict
If you don’t meet all the requirements you won’t get a shoot they have such high internet
Google is very strict on YOE. I went up 3 levels when I left G because they wouldn’t even count some of my experience since it wasn’t relevant enough