Medela or Spectra breast pump? Can’t decide between the two.

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I fricking hate my spectra but everyone seems to love it. I use medela sonata or the Bella baby with spectra parts/freemie cups


I’ll add my favorite pump is now the 60$ one, it’s small and portable and has settings I respond to better than both of my hospital grade pumps. But I’m no longer EP so if I had to establish a supply I’d probably still use the sonata

Spectra sucks. It broke after third use. Medela sonata is great!


I used Medela with my first pregnancy and loved it. Using Spectra currently and it sucks. I might have had pregnancy brain when I picked Spectra haha.

I truly loved the spectra s1! I used the medela symphony at work and thought it was meh.

How can you use insurance to pay for pumps? Do they reimburse you?

My company is switching instance providers at the new year. Should I order one now and another at the new year? Or will I realistically only need one?

Love my Spectra! It’s a bit quieter than Medela

Got Madela recently. Due in few months so I haven’t used it yet but I opted for medela because of great feedback from family and friends who have kids.

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