Men who go to therapy and have benefitted from it. Please tell me more. What led you to do it? How has it helped you? Do you tell your partners about it?

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At some point, I decided that feelings of profound alienation, anxiety, and depression were taking up way too much of my brainpower and holding me back from being the best version of myself. My wife had encouraged me to go for some time, but it took me awhile to be ready.

It’s been really helpful for identifying events/behaviors that provoke some sort of response, and to understand (and often mitigate) my own impulses and responses to those stimuli. Only downside is I no longer care for talking with my parents, but I’m okay with that.


I’m a woman and may I just say... please tell your partners you’re in therapy! I can’t speak for same sex couples, but.... Women love when men take care of themselves and work out their feelings. It’s very much a good thing. Peace ✌️


Yes, so helpful (though it does take the right therapist and a true commitment to personal growth, which is challenging).

I realized I had the same patterns in relationships and a bit of an anger/control issue. Didn't know where they were coming from—like my internal perception of myself and my external actions we're in alignment. Turns out there was a boat load of stuff just under the surface (lack of self-care, asking for what I need, knowing how to stay in balance) and some unresolved childhood and teenage issues that were shaping my self-view and world-view.

I did talk with my partner, very supportive. Found a therapist, read lots of books, and asked a couple of my closest, trusted, friends to help hold me accountable. It's be a totally incredible transformation. I'm happier and more comfortable in my skin that ever before—and without the bravado.

If you haven't yet, read The Four Agreements. It's great.


Great book


I wasn’t happy with my life. I was in a dead end toxic relationship that kept me tethered to college, and did not allow me to grow up. I was not happy with how I was living my life outside of that, and I wanted to change. I knew I needed help figuring out why everything about being an adult gave me anxiety, so I sought help.

It’s helped me immensely. It’s allowed me to confront my lowest lows and highest highs with fresh eyes, as well as vent about things that bother me to someone who’s just a third party. Ultimately, self improvement is a choice, and some people choose to do it while others don’t. Therapy just helps give you a push.

I tell my parents and girlfriend. It’s 2020, if people can’t support therapy then they should not be a special part of your life.


For me, it helped a lot. If you are having trouble (harmful thoughts etc.) I wholeheartedly encourage you to go to therapy, if only for a few sessions. Sometimes it really helps talking to a person who you know won’t say anything to anyone else and won’t judge. I told my partner. Hiding it from them isn’t healthy and if they ever found out they would probably feel like it was a breach of trust or feel bad because they would think you don’t want to be open with them. Some of this also depends on what type of therapy you’re talking about.


It’s also been alluded to here, but it may take a few tries before you find a therapist who works for you. Don’t lose heart or write it off as a concept if you strike out at first.


Very helpful - have been going for several years on a weekly basis and helps me to be more self aware and less hard on myself. No partner to tell. Not all therapists are alike. Some are much more passive and non-judging and some take it on themselves to give you things to do and action. I prefer the former.


There is something incredibly sexy to me about a man who sees a therapist. We all have issues and seems like just a select few of you guys choose to tackle yours head on. Keep it up! 😉


I went and was happy I did. Took maybe 6 months to realize it was helping. You wont really have an “Aha! “ moment where everything is fixed. Its a gradual process where you can offload things and understand yourself better.

But it takes getting used to. You won’t feel comfortable at first most likely


Anybody have easy access to the # for where we can schedule our five free sessions?


...thought this was the EY bowl. My bad, I’ll ask there

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