Might be unpopular. I am supporting people defend their community. Agree or disagree? Contd

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yes, please let's keep places where we live safe!


Yes please places over lives of course 🤡


that’s cool. When white people hold guns it’s for ‘protection’ and ‘feeding families’ and when black peoples do it, it’s for ‘intimidation’ and ‘looting’.


Yep, OP should have posted the full picture

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I think all Americans have the right to bear arms to defend the castle: their business, homes, etc.

I wasn't a gun advocate. However, with all this opportunistic looting, I am thinking of getting a gun for self-defense.

Reminds me of riots in LA when store owners had weapons defending their shops.


If you haven’t noticed, the police are a little distracted right now and won’t get there in time. Also, many storeowners don’t have insurance which covers that. Someone in another bowl posted how their aunt’s uninsured nail salon was robbed and then burned down. No emergency response whatsoever.


Eh.. or this just looks like they are itching for a reason to use their weapons.
“Armed rednecks” did the same in Charlottesville whose main purpose was to demean minorities 🤷‍♂️


You posted a portion of the picture and stated your opinion, my reaction is to your opinion. Not the “article”





these chuds just want an excuse to hunt other humans. they have zero right to shoot anyone.


For those making assumptions about these rednecks, you can see their black friends behind them also wielding guns plus they literally said in the video: “cops are a lot less likely to try and tread on people’s rights when there’s other armed Americans with them...so I figured it was damn time some heavily armed rednecks stood with fellow citizens”.


Boog Boys want a race war.


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Black and white - the full picture

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It was black and white people btw. Your message is still heard. Please be aware of articles from biased sources.

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Top priority was protecting a tobacco store?


Those tobacco owners asked for their help. Watch the video pls


I think we will see more of this the longer it goes. People won’t just watch their cities and neighborhoods get destroyed.


Encore: Asian American store owner recreating an iconic photo from 1992.

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Now imagine if it were all black people standing outside these shops armed. What do you think will be the first reaction of cops once they reach onsite? The answer explains everything you need to know about the protests.


Perfect. You solved racism then. I am assuming police will see black and white armed men the same going forward with the same benefit of doubt, ya?


When you see the full picture and realize you have been so easily manipulated by the bias media do you feel dumb?


I just wanna point out... they all have good trigger discipline.


We the people are the militia, and in times like this we must act like it.


Yeah except those “red necks” are too fond of minorities, so this is the perfect moment to play out their rainbow Vegas fantasy


You must not have seen the video because that’s not what they said. They said they were protecting protesters from the police.


Not sure what that means?


What if the rioter flexed their 2nd amendment too and showed up as heavily armed as those redneck. Who would be shot?
Also if the rioters actually go loot, will these redneck shoot them? Are we in the Wild West? People can now shoot people down in the street and that’s ok?


The rioters can't bring guns like those because they are idiots and poor. People think you can just bring guns to stuff, knowing how to use them is what's most important and that is an expensive hobby. Those with enough brains to effectively carry a weapon like that will know not to bring it to a riot, they will be killed.

Pro gun control but I think defending your property is fine. More broadly however we need to reach a place where if the above people were black or Muslim we would be equally ambivalent or supportive


I think if people are armed the situation might escalate quickly


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