Moin! Dachte, ich starte mal einen Thread zur Wahl 😁😁 was haltet ihr von den Ergebnissen soweit?

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Hello everyone! I’m looking for a new opportunity! Any startups hiring in San Francisco?

I have years of experience in Human Resources, Management, In-house recruiting, Finance, C-level Executive Administration and real estate.

I’m willing to move to my hometown of NYC for an opportunity! I currently reside in North Beach, San Francisco! I would like to make a pivot! Thanks for reading!


Bain sea anyone?


So I got a new contract working remotely. No guarantee it will get renewed come December. However I'm tired of living in DC thinking about renting an air bnb in atl for a lil bit but unsure if I want to give up my apartment I have a 1 bed room den for 2100 900 sq ft which is unheard of. However the wharf area can get dangerous what should I do. Wait it out?




- fairly decent place to work (from someone who worked with the Vancouver and San Jose offices). never met a blue badger (permanent employee) who had awful things to say.

- Ashley Goodall (their SVP, Methods & Intelligence) co-authored a brilliant book on leadership and people management called “Nine Lies About Work” that makes me believe they can be an awesome place to work


- red badgers had low morale since they’re contract workers and can be terminated at any time

Moving from NYC to Bay Area by September and have a choice between office in San Francisco or Foster City. Which is recommended? I’m 27 male, single. Also, what’s the typical rent without roommates?


People that moved to San Diego, how did you move your stuff and do you recommend a moving company ??

Any recommendations are appreciated

Hey, work at Big 4 in San Diego office doing fin services - want to move into something techish related in San Diego. Any thoughts?


AC Bangalore folks, can anyone check if you can login into paramount portal? I am getting ‘Window Period Closed’ error. Also are you able to download the e-card for dependents?
NB- This is the worst TPA portal I have ever seen with no online claim submission, claim tracking or any detailed policy details


Anyone know average salaries for 3rd year associates at small firms in San Francisco that represent government agencies and non-profit affordable housing developers? The firm has 6 associates, 7 partners and 9 of Counsel.

Any F 🐥/🐠 from San Jose here? 👋

Does your return flight get cancelled if you miss your layover flight? I have a flight from JFK to Nice with a layover in Paris. I’m planning on getting off in Paris and skipping nice, but I’m worried my return flight to JFK will get cancelled. Anyone have experience with this?

None of those growth stocks going back to ATH anytime soon. Maybe in a few years some stocks with good resistance will bounce back to ATH.

Forget about your existing losses, and stop DCAing blindly. Do more research and find which stocks have strong balance sheet and strong future to be back over next few years.
Only pick selected few or blue chips for dca.

Easier would be to invest in index. Would still get solid returns.


Hey all!

I’m considering making a move to TX from Atlanta, and have the ability to work anywhere with my job. I’m looking to explore Austin and San Antonio and would want to lease/AirBnB for at least a year before I consider buying a condo/home shortly after.

Does anyone have any recommendations on which areas would be good to live in? I’m looking for an urban area with close proximity to stores and markets. I also enjoy going to social outings (i.e. Latin dancing) occasionally. TIA!


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Congrats to W+K on winning Visa creative strategy (thanks AdWeek for the news 👀)! I saw they are leading the account out of PDX office. Anyone in the know if they’ll be hiring not just for the new win but in general?


Southern California nurses, what is the average pay for inpatient case manager? Looking to move to LA or San Diego area.


Anyone hiring or recruiting in the San
Diego area? Experienced scientist/
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experience and MS in Bioengineering


Any 🐠 in Salem OR or PDX? Just started a project here, wanting to me new ppl!

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Does anyone know of any healthcare related opportunities in the surrounding Baltimore area? Limited travel. I have 3 yoe in consulting, 5 years experience total.

People at my company claim to be supportive, promote great work culture but there’s actually no support at all just bunch of bs. I am in a situation where im not getting the support from my supervisors, BDs and everyone is fake all the time. I am genuinely putting in the work and not getting the benefits I deserve. What are some good companies to work for in Marketing/advertising in Toronto? Or how would u go about addressing stuff like this ?


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Looking for remote opening into Program Management; having over 13 years of experience developing software products in mobile and web platforms. TIA for the help.


Any 🐠 in Barcelona this week and keen for a drink?


I’m planning on visiting Accra and Lagos for a week in November. Any recommendations or tips I could use? I’m an avid traveller so I know the basics but I’ve only been to Egypt in Africa so I wanted some more info!


What’s the easiest way to move over from federal consulting to a federal job that is of equal or higher rank?


How many ME jobs did you apply to before landing your current position?

Do you typically apply to jobs that you have are missing some of the qualifications for? For example: Is it acceptable to apply for jobs where you have 70% of the qualifications? Where is the % threshold of not getting considered?


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Hi Sharks,

I work in Java-Microservice having 4+ YOE .

How is the Anaplan client projects in GL?

I have been told I would get the same after joining.

If anybody knows about it,it would really help.


I somehow managed to step in my own poop just now. I live alone, and do not have pets. Yes, I am potty trained, have a western toilet, and indoor plumbing. And I was barefoot too!

The week is off to a great start!


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If I get 6 packs but maintain a horrible personality, will all the guys come to me and date me?


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Seattle friends—I’m planning on moving for Amazon. Please share what suburbs or country settings are close enough for a commute and affordable.

Additional Posts in Deutschland / Germany

Hallo Berater in Deutschland


Anybody hiring consultants with no German language knowledge whatsoever?

Would be a junior hire (<1 year experience in sales) with high performer CV and excellent english and italian language skills


Hi 🇩🇪🐠! Ich trete zu Jahresbeginn eine Stelle bbeiAccenture an. Komme aus einer sehr viel kleineren Firma mit flachen Hierarchien (After Work Drinks mit CCO usw.) in UK und wollte mich mal erkundigen, wie generell der Umgang in der Firma ist, um nicht ins Fettnäpfchen zu treten 😅

Bis zu welchem Level duzt man?

Ist es üblich, MDs o.Ä. bei Teams anzupingen wenn man eine Frage hat?

Connected ihr euch bei Linkedin mit Senior Leaders, auch wenn man sich persönlich noch nicht begegnet ist?


What are you looking forward to in 2022?

Offropic: lebt jemand in einem Altbau dessen Dachgeschoss ausgebaut wurde? Bei uns im Haus soll das passieren (3. Stock, DG im 5.) und ich frage mich wie lange es laut wird und wie lange das ganze Haus in Gerüst sein wird.

Hello, how much does an analyst /associate/entry level management consultant make in Germany? I am in Munich and I earn around 56k/year Gross. What are your thoughts?

Came across this article talking about suppressed German grieving after WW2. As someone with German family members, would love to get some thoughts

Consultants aus Stuttgart hier? 🙋‍♂️


Hello All, is any firm open to hiring a senior consultant specializing in Data Analytics and ML. I have 6 years of experience with 3 years in USA in Big 4.
I would require a work authorization visa to work in Germany.


Als Partner einer mittelständischen IT Beratung interessiert mich, welche Employee Benefits für Consultants attraktiv sind. Bislang war unser Ansatz die Mitarbeiter einfach überdurchschnittlich zu entlohnen, aber gefühlt werden Perks wie Fitnessmitgliedschaften und co. angefordert und besser bewertet.


Gibts es bei euch für das Jahr 2023 eine Gehaltserhöhung zwecks Inflation? Falls ja, wie hoch ist die?

Habe heute eine Stellenausschreibung gesehen, die mir ziemlich zusagt, allerdings bin ich erst seit 7 Monaten bei meiner aktuellen Firma :(
Wirklich gefallen tut mir meine Arbeit nicht, aber würde das für euch einen so schnellen Wechsel rechtfertigen?


Servus zusammen,

T1/T2 steigt man ja nach dem Master mit ca 80 ein, bin in ner T2 und bin inkl. Bonus bei ca 76k Entry (ca 83k nach 8 Monaten).

Das klingt für mich ja eigentlich ganz gut, wenn man hier allerdings auf Fishbowl unterwegs ist, liest man von den Amis schon ganz andere Summen wie 150k TC; Wie lässt sich das denn vergleichen? Deren Savings-Rate muss doch extrem hoch sein?

Davon abgesehen, wie strukturiert ihr eure Finanzen? Kann von den 3k netto ca 1/2 zur Seite legen..


Habe gestern gelesen, dass die Bahnen wieder voller werden. Reist ihr schon wieder?

Hi all,
Does anyone know the cost that clients have to pay for strategy consultants (business analyst level or associates) in the DACH region on average?
Thanks in advance!


Hallo zusammen,
gab es bei euch schon Insights wie hoch die inflationsbedingte Gehaltsanpassung ausfallen wird ?


I am a salesforce developer/technical consultant and i would like to relocate to Hamburg. Do you know good companies (consulting or IT) with good WLB and decent salaries?

Habe das Gefühl an meine mentalen Grenzen gelangt zu sein. Wo kann es hingegen?

Gar nichts los in DE? 🧐 Wollte mich mal mit anderen Consultants über Gehälter unterhalten. In welchem Feld und welcher Karrierestufe seid Ihr unterwegs, und wie hoch ist euer (Ziel-)Gehalt?
Ich habe 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung und komme mit Bonus bei ca. 70.000€ realistisch raus. Kann nicht einschätzen ob das gut oder schlecht ist. Auf dem Papier könnte es mehr sein, aber Wunsch und Wirklichkeit passen da nicht so 🥲 Wie sieht es bei euch aus?


Na wer ist denn noch im Wahnsinn des Monats-Closure ;)


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