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Personally I’d opt for an in person bank, you can get an e-bank which helps getting setup quickly such as monzo, Revolut or starling (Chase also does a similar service for uk customers). Personally I bank with nationwide, very friendly people and always been helpful, average call wait time for support. Nationwide has a lot of branches in the UK
Not sure you’ll need physical branches that much here. You can get cash out for free at all ATMs and most banking is online. Credit card perks are not great here.
Chase and Marcus are offering higher interest rate savings accounts, so would suggest opening one of these if relevant. I would also suggest opening a high street bank account for a standard debit card, such as HSBC or Barclays. In terms of credit card, I would suggest Amex gold, has a fee but you will receive points and so it’s worth it and in my view the best option out of all the Amex cards. High street bank credit cards mostly don’t offer rewards or anything so not so useful.
Happy to provide an Amex referral link if you like too and you will be offered some bonus points too.
Lloyds Current Account