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What’s the price per square foot of real estate? You kind of need details to answer
That’s a great analogy. I told him something similar but good to know another way to explain.
That’s kind of impossible to do. The pricing would depend on the concept and what’s needed in terms of casting, set design, music, vo, post production... so many variables. There’s just no way to give anything like a ball park
That’s the equivalent of asking how much a piece of string costs.
High end scripted entertainment like Hollywood will be about 1-2 million per minute of finished footage.
Commercials can be more expensive because many of your costs are fixed so the cost per frame/second/minute gets better as your content gets longer.... for example a commercial can cost the same as an episode of GOT with talent and licensing but only be 30s long.
At the same time, Blair witch project was less than 100k for a feature length.
So broadly speaking you get what you pay for but look at the fixed costs as the real killer with short content since it doesn’t amortize over the length of the footage
Shoot me a dm I can help you guys out.