Hi everyone how difficult it is too certified in AWS Developer Associate and Solutions architect.
For someone who has experience in Development
In Java, Spring Boot, Microservices
I also worked on some of the AWS Services like
EKS, ECS, Lambda, S3, RDS, SQS. I mean I use them by going to the Management console. Also has knowledge in VPC, subnets, security groups but i tend to forget some of these concepts.
Didn't take any formal course but learnt from blogs, youtube videos, LinkedIn course
Just take sick leave. If your boss isn’t there, let HR or your boss’s boss know.
Please take care of yourself OP! You should take a sick leave, I am sure your boss will understand.
I’m so sorry this happened to you. Miscarriages are way more common than people tend to think because they’re not talked about (I think about 25% of pregnancies don’t make it past the first trimester). Please try to talk with other women in your life about this, I’m sure you’ll find others have gone through this and can provide you with advice and comfort. From my side, the first few months after it happens may be pretty miserable but you’re incredibly strong and will get through this. I had 3 healthy pregnancies following my initial miscarriage. Sending lots of love your way ❤️❤️❤️
I'm so sorry. My wife miscarried between our first and our second and it was really rough. Give yourself some time to recover physically and mentally. This is absolutely the kind of thing sick leave was intended for.
Idk if anyone gets this or at all care, just wanna update the situation. Had another miscarriage in April, but are now happily pregnant 17 weeks in ❤️
Thank you all for the support ❤ Some easier days ahead workwise, so I'll try to take some time off.