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Great discussion board
At what age did you sell your first project?
Hows work culture in BOA domain in TCS?
What's your best practice for social?
Great discussion board
At what age did you sell your first project?
Beat them up
Not a bad idea except that you would probably lose your job in the long run LOL.
Take a dump on their desk to assert dominance.
Ah, thé Amber Heard strategy! Obviously a winner.
How so?
What are examples of the bullying?
Which firm is this? I’m noticing this a lot bringing in outside leaders and assuming they will change culture and drive things better but don’t happen often. Causes issues internally. I wish these leaders would come in and observe for 3-4 months and understand the issues / concerns and try to course correct where they can vs changing and putting what they did in their prior firm in week 2!
It depends on the condition of the firm they are joining. Some firms need a lot of help
What exactly are they doing?
Reach out to your senior partner
That's annoying. Definitely try to go through your chain of command & let someone know how the external partners are treating team members. It's best to try to get your senior partner to take care of the situation, imo.