My confession for the day: Food gives me orgasm. period.

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Yes, Thai food


All day everyday


In college I was coming back to my room and I could hear moaning. I thought it was my girlfriend starting without me so I thought oh hell yeah! I opened the door…

And she was just eating a sandwich 🤔😕


…like a real “nut in your pants” kinda orgasm?

Hahahahaha, no. Like eating really food or sometimes watching youtubers eating food can give me orgasm... I'm serious...

M or F?

Just one?

One hell of a confession. Enjoy.

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I usually don't order food I love when eating with others. Otherwise, I can't help making some noise.


Ate the Cum Cum No Mi fruit.

All food? Seems a stretch…how about what food gives you the best?

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