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They asked for all documents for releasing offer letter. After uploading that, they sent BGV links which was completed way back in April. Now its June, still i am waiting for Offer Letter. Recruiter not receiving calls! Ghosted by the firm or these things happen at the firm regularly? Wipro
Bit shady but at end of day you’re the decision maker.
Did he tell you why he wanted you to go in at original list price?
I have used realtors on dozens of transactions and gone alone on many as well. Yes you can maybe save money doing it on your own, especially on the sell side. Buy side gets a little fuzzy. But in this market there is so much in the “private network” that it might be tough actually finding a place or having your offer taken seriously. But you absolutely must be willing to be tough with your relator. Don’t hesitate to dictate the terms.
Most of them are in cahoots with each other and rig the game. Especially in smaller markets.
I despise real estate agents. In my experience they make a ton of money with minimal real effort. There are also huge agency issues - both buyer and seller agents are incentivized to close a deal as quickly as possible with the highest price possible.
I am a realtor. I feel I add a lot of value for my clients. Maybe you just haven’t found a good one yet?
Making it work 😉
Also in an internal role and not at clients..
I just moved to a new state, and found another great agent helping us with a land purchase. Between this one and the one that helped us sell our house this summer, I’m telling you, there are really good ones out there. Both have been very ethical and thorough.
EY2 that like is from me!
I think that is illegal, no? I’m sure it is. And for the record, I had a GREAT realtor. Worked her 3 times now.
It is. But in small markets they all know each other and it is a wink and nod situation that the average buyer would never figure out.
Subject Expert
Huge conflict of interest with real estate agents and real estate industry. Kickbacks are not enforced although they preach it in training. Agents rely on uneducated buyers who get emotional with a home. They want those buyers who are willing to go out of their budget and pay extra for their dream home
It has to move to an auction based pricing like in Australia. Fair pricing and eliminate the need for realtors all together
New to RE here. Is there anyway you could've gone around the realtor? Could you have gone directly to the seller? Get another realtor?
Whether that actually works out for you as far as making a good deal is a separate question. If you didn’t even have the spine to make your realtor follow your preferred offering instructions…which they must do…then why would you think you could do better interfacing directly with the listing agent?
Sounds like you should be happy you got the house instead of being focused on this.
If you want to buy a house direct without brokers, start talking to owners, and get them to sell you their 🏠
My brother just took a real estate course and I believe that’s illegal, u can def look it up and report him to the state licensing agency after your due diligence
Sounds shady, to say the least. It’s hard to find a real estate agent with integrity, who works and acts in your interest. And who knows the product! When I bought my first property I interviewed several agents until I found a great one. Funny how surprised the others were when I told them I’d prefer someone else. As soon as you contact one they think they have you on the hook and you should be grateful that they help you buying lol. Many of them add no value other than ridiculous sales blah. It’s worse than buying a used car.
I believe it’s a law that an agent has to inform the prospected buyer when it’s a dual agency situation. I have not experienced this in any homes I’ve purchased, so it could be a state by state thing. Read your post and quickly googled to see if I was far off on my assumption.
Realtor. Like doctors and all professionals aren't all good. You need to look until you found a good one. But don't blame the profession because one bad experience