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Who’s done egg freezing? I’m about to start.
CSR card-- worth getting?
Shiv Sena check mate by BJP
Absofuckinlutly needed this
Who’s done egg freezing? I’m about to start.
PGT testing involves taking a biopsy of the embryo before freezing, sending to a lab to test for the correct number of chromosomes (there are also other more complex tests if you’re trying to hunt down a specific genetic disease). It typically takes 2-3 weeks post-freeze and costs $2K+ extra. PGT testing is increasingly common and becoming the norm at many IVF clinics, though by no means infallible or necessary for success. The main benefit is that it weeds out ‘abnormal’ embryos, with which it’d be extremely unlikely you’d have a full term or healthy pregnancy, so knowing that before transfer can save you the heartache of failed implantation, miscarriage, or stillbirth. That said, I believe with PGT testing (and using a genetically ‘normal’ embryo for transfer) the odds of live birth only increase around ~10%, and PGT does carry the small risks of damage to the embryo from biopsy and/or a false read. FWIW, in my first round I had 8 day 5 embryos, and only 1 came back normal, which blew the RE away (she said it was just ‘bad luck’) - unfortunately I miscarried at 16 weeks so it’s not like a normal embryo guarantees a baby either.
Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry you went through that tough situation.
Rising Star
I did PGT, 32 unexplained infertility, and am extremely glad we did. It cost $2K from the clinic to do the biopsy and $150 from the lab per embryo tested. Of 9 embryos tested, we were very fortunate 6 were normal.
What's very interesting is we had 2 4AA embryos, 1 of which was abnormal, which we would have transferred and failed
Currently 7 dp5dt for our 2 PGT embabies <3 Good luck!
We did the carrier screening bloodwork to be sure we weren’t both carriers for any recessive genetic conditions before the egg retrieval. Also did PGT-A testing of embryos after the retrieval to rule out the chormosomally abnormal ones. Glad we did, and now will only be transferring the normal ones. The out of pocket price for PGT-A was $3100 for 19 embryos, and we came back with 13 normal. Like Deloitte 1, we actually had 2 5AA embryos that were genetically abnormal. Had we not done the testing those would have been transferred first and resulted in miscarriage. The cost of the transfer (both financially and emotionally) seemed higher than paying for the testing upfront and knowing we have done all we can to reduce risk of failure. Best of luck to you no matter what you decide to do!
The genetic carrier screening at the beginning was mostly covered I think. Embryo testing is a little different. For PGT-A, the insurance did cover the lab fees for the embryo biopsy procedure, but the actual testing of the biopsy tissue at the outside lab (igenomix) is not covered. I have asked Pathways to Parenthood to reimburse that OOP part and was denied. For PGT-D which is when you test for a specific genetic condition if you both tested as carrying the same condition during your carrier screening, often the carrier screening company (ours was Sema4) will cover the PGT-D. Not sure if insurance steps in there too, but I believe in most cases where PDT-D is needed, it is easier to cover than PGT-A.
I recommend as it will give you better chance of not going through misarrange from genetic issues
Highly recommend. I’m currently 7w2d with a genetically tested embryo. It gives you some peace of mind when you’re stressed out the first trimester!
RE is also recommending us as well, which I am going for it.
Rising Star
We did it as we wanted to make sure there were no added obstacles. For us it was peace of mind and worth it.
We did PGT-A and PGT-M to test for a genetic disease in my husbands family. Out of the 10 embryos, 5 were euploid, but of those 5, only 1 did not have the disease in my husbands family. Highly recommend PGT-A but if you do PGT-M just be prepared for the outcome. It took me awhile to accept and process the results. Im currently grateful of the 1 normal embryo and am now 7wks. But it took my about a month to talk about those results without crying or being angry.
Interesting, i didn’t know that happened (creating special tests). Thank you for sharing. What a gift you’re giving future generations in your family 💕
We did PGT testing on all 12 of our Day 5/6 embryos (all very well rated) and very good thing we did. Our general genetic testing had come back normal, but when then did the PGT testing, 8 of the 12 embryos had the same chromosomal abnormality, and two of the remaining four had other abnormalities. After several rounds of additional testing we found out I have a chromosomal abnormality causing this (which was likely the source of our trouble getting pregnant). We've now been able to inform my family/siblings to hopefully prevent a bad situation for all (this abnormality basically 10x the chance of Downs Syndrome). And we will only attempt to transfer the two normal embryos. If you are in the IVF process without a clear idea of why you're not getting pregnant, there's a decent chance there is an abnormality causing the issue.
We did the carrier testing and it did not pick it up (its a rearrangement of genetic material, not a specific gene deletion/addition/mutation that carrier usually looks for). But also, before I freak people out, only about 1 in 500 people has this type of issue based on what our genetic counselor said.
It might be worth testing if there are other factors like age , sperm issues.
We did a total of 4 embryo transfer of which 3 not tested and 1 tested. Initially they asked us not to test based of the age factor. But after continuous failures doctor suggested that we can risk to unfreeze and test.
Unfortunately the tested embryo also did not stick from FET.
Waiting for doctor appointment to discuss more.
The test itself checks for abnormalities in the embryo. And lots of other stuff. The clinic should share a document with you on what is tested
For me, based on age group, RE recommended not on PGT. But my SO and i did carrier genetic testing.