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Hello Seattle Space Needle!

Additional Posts in Advertising Confessions
I'm envious of those of you having office trysts.
My parents think Cannes Lion is an animal.
Fantasizing about calling in sick tomorrow.
Next up, "my girlfriend treats me like a Teddy Ruxpin/Rubik's Cube/fidget spinner/Play-Doh Fuzzy Pumper Barber Shop/Tickle Me Elmo/ Easy Bake Oven/ Rock Em Sock Em Robot/Chia Pet/GI Joe with the Kung-Fu Grip."
That cover it all, buddy?
Are you a Furby? 🤔
I don't even know what this means.
It's a thing. No idea why, but it is.
@director it will take us time to come up with memes as good as the ones on reddit.
Well played.
My girlfriend treats me like her boyfriend. It's sickening.
She hides you in the far back of a drawer in the guest room out of terror when she was young, and only years later finds you with just enough juice in your batteries to give out one final guttural screech with only one eye fluttering open?
@cw1 *In theaters now
Director 1, why do you hate joy