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Anyone heard of visual impact for women?
Her unborn son to be hailed as "Associate" 😅
Who hurt this woman… every single day 😵💫
Anyone heard of visual impact for women?
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You absolutely should not worry about him. He doesn't deaerve it or you. Please leave him, I guarantee you will find someone who will treat you kindly.
Do not have a child with this man. You think your life is bad now, just wait until he has the kid to use against you too.
I think that is your answer. It seems he is only with you because he wants to have children.
He calls you pathetic? Wow. I’m really sorry, this is a bit abusive. I honestly think you need couples therapy to evaluate if you’re both really in this.
To be honest, my first thought was why the hell are you with HIM? I get the sense that you give him a lot of the control (or perhaps he’s quite controlling and you’re afraid of pushing back). I have to say it sounds like some therapy for yourself would be helpful too in order to help support you to get the courage to handle this how you need to for your own safety and happiness
I was married to someone just like this. After 9 years of trying desperately to make it work I divorced him. I am 1000 times happier. You deserve better.
I got to a point of no return. I couldn’t get back to a good place with him and was craving to be single and alone so I could be happy on my own. Once you get to that point, you have the difficult adult conversation to let them know you are getting a divorce, then file once you have an attorney.
Did you guys date before marriage or was it arranged? Sorry you’re experiencing hardships. Hope you know that the decision to break up (if it comes to that) isn’t his alone. If you’re unhappy, you can also leave the relationship.
Thank you. I definitely do struggle with confidence, I just feel like it may have got worse with him. He says things to me that I secretly believe about myself, so it reinforces my most negative beliefs about me.
Rising Star
It sounds like he is making you miserable. You may want to reevaluate if this relationship is serving you in a positive way. Wishing you the best in that
OP—don’t have a child with this man. Have a child on your own (donor) if you want a child sooner rather than waiting, but do not get trapped into sharing custody with this jerk.
Also, leave. You can do better, and being with someone who cuts you down to feel better isn’t a way to live. Imagine what this will do to you or to your child if they watched this dynamic for a few decades.
Do not stay, leave—heal and learn to love yourself, and then allow someone else to properly love you. In that order.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds pretty unhealthy and I don’t think that kind of stress and negativity helps if you’re trying to conceive. I think couples therapy would be a great option, and if he’s unwilling to go that’s a pretty big sign. I also think he sounds really unhappy with himself, which isn’t your fault of responsibility. Of course keep working on yourself and being the best you can be, but don’t let someone else’s issues affect your confidence/how you think about yourself. Everyone deserves to be loved and supported in their relationship.
Why did you marry this guy, and why haven’t you told him to go f himself yet? @ calling you pathetic, esp.
I am so sorry you've been through this. He sounds like a POS just from your comments. I would say you should both seek therapy, and leave. Don't worry about him.
Sometimes, I wish he would hit me. Sounds insane, but then I could point to something physical and say- yes he really does hate you, walk away. With psychological things, there’s no proof point, and often I get so confused about it because he always finds a way of making it my fault. I can accept fault but I just can’t deal with this feeling of complete sadness anymore.
This is my field and I take it very seriously. Your husband doesn’t have to hit you to seriously hurt you. Please talk to someone.
I’m concerned. What you’ve said indicates emotional abuse. There are obviously things going on that aren’t being discussed calmly. Can you afford marriage counselling - and would he go? It’s not healthy for you to be treated this way.
He’s cheating on you. May not be with another woman/ person, but he’s cheating on you with other means. I suggest you seek counseling.
Sweetheart, why would you put up with this!?
If what you are saying is what he does, he is not fit to be in any relationship! Let alone with his family! He is a Terrible person for putting you down at every chance he gets.
You probably need help with self esteem issues if you don't think you should have left long time ago.
He needs to go take care of his mental and emotional issues... and in this day and age, unless someone is desperate, I don't think he'll EVER find a normal partner unless he seeks help/makes radically changes with his life. You have done him a favor... and he knows your weakness of probably "putting up with anything to stay married"
If you want better, leave.
Am so sorry you are going through this crap.
Get a divorce please
How’s your sex life aside from struggling to conceive? Serious question
Okay this happened to me with my bf and it turns out he was cheating / escorting on the side and has a long standing issue of using escorts and was delusional about everything wrong with me because he was unhappy with his life but happy to have me along (hard working, pretty enough, makes enough) but thought he can do a lot better. Go to therapy ASAP - it’s disrespectful and it’s misogynistic. He basically believes he deserves to be entertained, served and serviced with no effort from his side because ‘he works’ hard
Sorry to hear this OP. Have you returned the same energy to him? Not fighting fire with fire but sometimes “the bully” needs their own kick to stop. Have you confronted him?
But regardless doesn’t sound like a good thing happening. Love isnt enough please remember that.
I'm sorry you're going through this. It's very abusive behavior. You need to do some counseling for yourself alone as well on top of couples if you're planning that route.
How was your relationship prior to getting married? Honestly sometimes men settle into relationships and that has nothing to do with you... we as women sometimes know this but we are afraid to be alone so we hold on. I’m not saying this is your situation but maybe it’s time to go to therapy and instead of worrying about him... sit down and ask yourself if this a husband/marriage you deserve ? What do YOU need to feel loved and secure? And will he ever be able to provide that?
My ex and I were together for two years, I found out he was telling his friend that our sex was boring when he quite literally only satisfied me one time. This is only one example of many times that he disrespected me. I ended up forgiving him but eventually I got sick of it and left. At the end of the day it was embarrassing for me and I realized that he hated me and I hated him as well. I It was really hard to leave because I thought this was a normal relationship and that I should just deal with it but…
Two months later I was approached by my now SO and he proved to me that what I was asking for in a relationship is NOT too much and exactly what I deserve. I’ve never had to ask for attention, I feel assured and respected all the time even around our mutual friends and he shows me off! I’ve never had to ask him to do any of these things. It should just be a given. He’s an amazing person and it feels amazing to be able to love someone full heartedly.
It’s about respect!!! And based off your reply here, he does not respect you. If I found out my SO was talking to our mutual friends about me in a negative way, I would leave immediately.
I think trust and respect are the two most important factors of any relationship and it is DEFINITELY worth leaving your husband to find someone who will give you those two things. He has a pattern of not respecting you and not prioritizing you. Don’t make the mistake of internalizing that because you DO deserve better and someone out there will more than 100% be willing to give you that.
He is cheating!!!