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EY does they start WFH?
Does your brand use the Oxford comma?
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Don’t let it go. This is the bare minimum for a manager. Put it on their calendar and follow up with an email saying you know how busy they’ve been so you went ahead and found a time that works for you both. If that doesn’t work, go to HR or their boss and ask who can do it instead.
This is unacceptable. Go to HR immediately and provide proof of your outreach with dates and time stamps.
Contact HR
Report your manager to her/his manager
This is not ok! Definitely reach out to HR ASAP, it’s not fair to you to risk a lazy manager impacting your career progression and chances for a raise/promo.
This is shady or lazy behavior on their part. Do your part, in following up. Another option in case you meet no support would be - pull together a few bullets/sentences of what you did well, areas you’re looking to grow, etc. and share with them and then solicit feedback. This way, there’s a written trail of the fact that you did your bit!
Thanks, I did submit a formal review with goals to go along with this review but crickets other than a general good job in various conversations.
All the more reason to have a formal review. “Good job” needs to be documented.
Send them a calendar invite and be ready to lead the conversation with a clear list of of your successes and areas of development. Everyone deserves and is entitled to a review!!
Besides your review you should be meeting 1-1 with your manager at least monthly to discuss your career goals and any other issues. Put it on their calendar and push for it it’s part of their job!!
I did receive a raise because that is not tied to reviews, but it would be good to discuss my performance in more specific terms.
If u don’t have that review - there is no paper trail for when u should be up for a promotion.
This happened when I worked at BCW.
Weird timing since the review cycle is April/October… is this just ongoing feedback?
I am that behind
You know it just occurred to me that they’re trying to seal the deal for a promo for you and the process/ approvals are taking time. Do you think that’s a possibility?
Even if that was a possibility, the lack of communication around any process cannot be excused. No good or competent manager would leave a direct report in the dark nor would they repeatedly put off touch bases. This would also have already been discussed so all parties could be prepared. The review process has passed per the OP which means if they were trying to seal the deal on a promotion, why wasn’t it done in a timely fashion?
Push for it, definitely, but be careful what you say to HR. Trust none of them.
Send your own meeting request, and document if/when the meeting is cancelled with a follow up email. Paper trail. Paper trail. Paper trail.